
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This past week Kristin and I have had a new opportunity to
start teaching Bible Study after school for kids at the care point on Wednesdays
and Fridays. The teachers usually do it but after a full day teaching they are
tired and Kristin and I are happy to help. Treasure translates for us which is
huge because otherwise only the older children would be able to understand. You
all know that I love talking in front of groups so you can imagine how much fun
I’m having with this.

On Wednesday, we talked to the kids about how much God loves
them and has a plan for their lives. I drew a picture of a girl and then cut it
up into 6 pieces. I told them that I had worked hard on a drawing and if they
wanted to see it. They all were so excited. I pulled out just one of the pieces
of the picture and asked them if they liked it. They all looked confused because
that piece just showed a bit of green and blue. Then I added another piece.
They still didn’t like it because it didn’t make since. Slowly I added the rest
of the pieces so they could see the whole picture. Once they saw it, they liked
it a lot. I explained to them that many times that is how our lives work. God
is making a beautiful picture with our lives but many times we don’t understand
the little pieces. We have to trust God that he knows what he is doing and is
the perfect artist. Kristin then shared the story about how David became King.
She talked about how he was the youngest and only a shepard but God still chose
him and used him for big things.

I loved doing this Bible Study with them because so many of
the kids’ lives don’t make since right now. Most are abused, hungry, and
forgotten. I hurts my heart to see that Zendzi is HIV positive, Rosa is sexually abused, Donelle is a child prostitute,
Skhumbizo’s father is now in jail for trying to kill his mom, and the list
keeps going. Other than at the care point, there is probably no one else who
tells them that they are loved and that their life is meant for big things. It
is so good to be able to proclaim truth to them, to tell them that the Lord of
all creation loves them and wants to make their lives into something beautiful.
They don’t have to become a tragic statistic. Instead they can be a child of
the King. It’s something good for me to continue learning as well. I need to
trust God with these children. Trust him to save Swaziland and bring light into dark
places. God is good and so is his love. 

Thank you to all who are praying for me and Swaziland. And thank you for the comments. I love reading them. May God bless you and remind you of his perfect love.

19 responses to “Bible Study”

  1. Dear Lil Bit,
    We all tend to look at the pieces and can’t see how they fit or that they even go to the same picture. What an awesome way to show in a very tangible way to these kids how God works!! Keep up the good work sweetie!! Love you and we continue to pray for you!! Love, Jeanne

  2. The bible study you are doing sounds like another great opportunity to share God’s word with the children of Swaziland. The example you made with the pictures was a great idea. I’ll be praying for you!!

  3. I think it’s great that you’re starting a bible study and giving these children. The visual aid you used was an awesome idea!

  4. I like the word picture you used. There are quite a few people I wish I could share that with. Something so huge explained so easily and simply.

  5. Dearest Michelle, yes, God does know the big picture. What a God we have! As I look at you and all the questions you would ask about yourself, I still see that God is constantly cultivating and creating the lady that He wants you to be. I am proud of you, precious one!

  6. I can imagine that one of the hardest things is getting the kids to have hope. To believe that they do not have to follow the example set before them.

  7. I am so excited for the way God has prepared you and put the “pieces of the puzzle” together in your life to prepare you to minister to these kids. It is not just an object lesson, it really has been the way God put you together. It is so wonderful to see how God is using you and the special way he has prepared you. May you continue to be used by our gracious God.

  8. hi i am a sixth grader at ccs you came to our chapel this year.i think it is great that you are over in swazi land and how god is working in you

  9. Michelle, It is so great what you are doing for the kids in Swaziland. I bet the children are so greatfull to have a person like you to share them them the WORD!!!
    Keep up the good work. I will be praying for you…

  10. michelle, what you are doing is so helpful for these kids. keep up the hard work. we are all praying for and your safety!!!!

  11. hi michelle,
    this is sarah beth from ccs. im in the 6th grade and i heard you speak at our chapel that one time. i hope that you come back to chapel w/ us again. i really appreciate what all you do. some times people think that you help the swaziland people and thats true, but you may not realize that help us just by coming and spealing to us. what you are doing is amazing. i love to read all about the people there and how their lives were changed by coming to know the lord. i have always wanted to be a missionary and getting to see and talk to one is truely amazing for me.
    thank you again for everything you do and i pray for you every day.dont ever forget that god loves you.
    God bless!
    *sarah beth riggs*

  12. Hi Michelle, I love reading your blog it’s awesome. I think it’s awesome your helping these kids and I think the picture idea was great. What you do is amazing and if you believe enough and pray to our Lord and Savior God you’ll be able to do much more!!!! I’m always praying for you.
    Maddie Mcrae

  13. I think that it is so wonderful that you are teaching the kids and grownups in Swaziland about God and how to get saved! I hope things will continue to go great and i am praying for you! I am a student at CCS.

  14. thats such a good picture! you have a gift of being able to explain things very effectively. i love you!

  15. Hey I love Bible Study and I’m sure that these kids love it too!!! I liked how you used us as being a giant picture and God is putting it together!!! I’m in the 6th grade.

    Love, Katheryn

  16. hey, I just wanted you to know that I think it’s cool how you show them how God works in the lives of all of us, and in an awesome way, too. I’ll keep you and the children of Swaziland in my prayers. Thanks.