
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello everyone. I am trying to get back to posting every
Monday now but it was good to see how many people read Friday’s post about
Moses so hopefully this won’t be too confusing.

This past week has been good to be back in Swaziland
after our prayer retreat in South
Africa. We got some good rest and enjoyed
some powerful worship but it’s nice to be home. Kristin and I have stopped
going to Pastor Sambo’s church and instead are focusing more of our time at the
Carepoint. This week we have helped cook, continued with the Bible Study,
played with the kids, and done our best to encourage the workers and
missionaries there.

There is a 10 year old girl at the carepoint named Nobile
(yes, that name does have a click in it) who loves to practice her English and helps
out with the younger kids. On Friday though, she started to complain of stomach
pains and said she was suffering. She asked the teacher to do something for
her, asked me to do something, and asked me to make the teacher do something,
but neither one of us had anything to give her. My first aid kit consists of a Ziploc
filled with band-aids, Neosporin, and cotton balls.

So I told her, “I don’t have anything to give you but I can
pray for you.” She thanked me and sat down. I put a hand on her and simply prayed
that God would take away the pain so that she could play and learn.

After I was done she turned to the teacher and said
something in SiSwati. The teacher then told me, “God has tested your anointing.”
I was confused but she explained, “Nobile said that the pain is gone and she
said, ‘God is alive!'”

I was blown away and all I could say was “Praise Him!” I am
so thankful that God showed himself to be real and powerful to all of us that
day. It shows that God is listening to our prayers and cares about us. Thank
you Jesus!


  1. I have been following your recent posts. Wow! These have been powerful. Thank you for posting the difficult and challenging experiences and your observations. We are so unattached back here at home. The suffering around the world does not touch us. It is a shock that this goes on anywhere.

    What is amazing is that the light of the gospel (the good news) shines so much brighter where you are. Compared to the falleness and brokeness, the power of the gospel is a very redeeming thing. We are so shielded here at home. Don’t forget to pray for us as we minister in a society that does not see its need of Christ and covers up its need with business and distractions.

    God be with you and your team. You “go” girl.


  2. I think it is awsome that you are helping in Swaziland. Your blogs have been really encouraging. It has made me want to spend more time with God.

  3. hey michelle, what a miracle that is!!! micracles can happen. i have been learning in Science when your stressed to pray to God our Father or read scripture. i would like to tell someone about Jesus. i love your blog!!! i am praying for you to keep safe as you are in Swaziland.


  4. Dear Sweet Michelle,
    We praise the Lord that he is using you in such wonderful ways. Isn’t it great that we have a prayer answering God!! May you drink deeply from the river that never runs dry! The boys on Andrew’s basketball team do the “waterfall” thing with the waterbottles where they hold them up and let the water pour into their mouth – this is the picture/prayer I have for you that you will just let the waterfall of God’s tender mercy,grace, and love pour into you as you continue to minister. We love you so much, Ms. Nancy

  5. Michelle, I am so blessed by reading your blog today. We talked about spiritual gifts in Sunday school yesterday and Drew asked us what we thought about miracles and some of the gifts being in use today (like prophecy and healing) and I mentioned that it seems like those gifts are more apparent where there aren’t the distractions of society..and then I read your blog today. Praise God for gracing you with the gift of healing and praise God for the amazing faith He has cultivated in you! Like I’ve said before, I want to be just like you when I grow up!
    Love you much! Lisa Davis

  6. That is amazing that as soon as you prayed Nobile’s pain stopped. Another great example of how God works in our everyday lives!!

  7. Dear Lil Bit,
    How humbling it must have been, but so totally awesome that words aren’t available to describe being God’s hands, wow! I know He sees you as a willing vessel, keep your heart tuned to Him, He is already using you
    for His glory. He will continue to use a heart that belongs so completely to Him!
    Our prayer is for your continued health and strength and love overflowing. Swaziland is fortunate to have you and your love! Jesus walk with you precious!!
    Love, Jeanne xoxo

  8. michelle,

    the last few updates; wow. not food for spiritual infants.

    reading about Moses and Nobile reminded me of a truth that i think God has laid on my heart these past few weeks…

    God blesses and heals all He touches…
    But what does he touch?…
    All we surrender…

    sometimes surrender yields great joy. sometimes not…but GOD IS ALWAYS THERE…sometimes i guess it seems that He is the only one that is…BUT THRU YOU HE WAS THERE FOR MOSES AND NOBILE..

    we will pray for you more and more


  9. Michelle, I am continuing to pray for you in Swaziland. It is wonderful to see what God is doing for your life and for the people there. May GOD bless you!

  10. hey michelle,
    its me again! just wanted to tell you that im praying for you! jesus loves you! keep up the good work! god loves you. dont ever forget that he is always with you and he is never gonna leave!
    jesus and i love you!
    *sArAh BeTh RiGgS!*

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