Hello from across the equator. Thank you so much for all your prayers, emails, comments, and thoughts. I heard that my blog was read in church and I keep hearing about how everyone is praying and I am overwhelmed by the love of people back home. I know that when I embrace a child that I do so with the arms of the church because God has used the church to send me here. Thank you.
This week I have continued to go to the township of Mamelodi (I finally found the correct spelling for it). This week the theme was “I was made by God.” We used Colossians 1:16a, “For by Him all things were made, in Heaven and on earth, both visible and invisible.” The kids colored pictures of the 7 days of creation, did fingerprints to learn they were each made special, completed puzzles of the memory verse, and other activities. Planning for each day is a big deal but it’s worth it. It is so cool to see the kids getting into the songs and games. I see them trusting us more and more each day. From teaching them motions to songs to letting them play with my hair that they are so fascinated with, we are slowly starting to build relationships. Next week our theme will be “I am made to be like Christ.” Please pray for our program there. I don’t want these kids to just learn cut songs and engage in cool crafts. I pray that God takes out their heart of stone and puts in a heart of flesh. I pray that God gives them the hope and peace that only comes from being adopted into the grace of God.
Something that God has placed on my heart and that I would absolutely love yall to pray for is the condition of the building of the day care at Mamelodi. I work with the school age children in a big tent but the babies and toddlers are in a tiny tin building. The kids are practically on top of each other. I talked to the women who work there and they say it just breaks their hearts because they want to do so much with kids are they just can’t because there is no space and they simply don’t have the money for a better facility. I am happy the kids are there in a safe place but it also hurts my heart to see how they are just crammed into a room. While I was praying about it I felt like it would be amazing if we could build them a new building. There are enough of us here that we have the man power but it is still a matter of God providing the money. Steve is one of the missionaries who lives at Alabanza (the missionary base where we are staying). He said he has already looked into what it would take about $1000 US. It would completely change the ministry is there was more room. Please pray if this is something you might want to get involved with. Your brothers and sisters of Mamelodi would appreciate your prayers and if you want to give I can certainly get you the information to do so. Just email me at [email protected]. I will try to get pictures up soon.
Well, I’m running out of time so I will have to go. I just might get a smoothie today. I am so excited. Thank you again for your prayers. Please leave a comment if you have a minute. Know that my prayers are with yall. Thank you for your support.
Precious Lil Bit,
God is keeping you and I praise Him daily for that!! You are our arms and legs and voices right now… THANK YOU!!
Sending you love and hugs and tons of prayers are sent up for you from our hearts every day!! Love you bunches, sweetie!!
Love, Jeanne & TL
Little sister, I am missing you here in the good ole’ USA. I hope you are loving on the people there with all your might. I love reading your blogs and hearing about everything you are experiencing. It is such an encouragment and a great reminder to be praying for the people who are in need, especially of Jesus Christ. I hope you have a fantastic week and I am praying for you!
you did sooo great at chapel michelle!!! i really enjoyed it, it def. touched me. thanks soo much for sharing!