
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

First of all I would like to say it is so encouraging getting comments on my blogs, emails, and facebook messages from people back home. It really shows the body of Christ and how much my Christian family supports me. Thank you.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for Martha. She had a short stay in the hospital but is now completely better. She thanks everyone who lifted her up in prayer.

In my last blog I promised to write about the big feeding we had in the squatter camp in Swaziland. Well, it was amazing. We all chipped in a bought a cow to feed everyone and invited anybody we could. The best way I can discribe it is a huge party in a tiny church. There were tons of people overflowing and all so excited to be there. There was music, dancing, laughter, and lots of hugs. There was one little girl who just latched onto me and didn’t let go. She is seven years old and just precious. I could tell she just really needed love so I did my best to hold onto her. God really come through because my arms never got tired. Later I learned more of her story. There is a tree line in between the squatter camp and the city dump where little girls go to sell their bodies to get bread or money for food. She is one of these girls. It just broke my heart. So I just held on tight and told her over and over again (even though she doesn’t know English) that God loves her because he made her and that I love her too. I prayed over her and asked many of my friends to say a special prayer of protection for her. Please, oh please pray for these girls.

On Monday we all piled into the vans to come back to South Africa. I didn’t really want to come back because I really loved Swaziland, but God has been working in my heart and I am loving South Africa as well. This past week I went to Mamalode which is a large township about an hour away from where we live. There is a day care there that we have partnered iwth. I have worked with the 6-10 year olds. We go and put on a program that includes singing, crafts, Bible stories, games, skits, and just play time. Please pray for us as many of the families of these kids rely on witch doctors instead of the grace of God. It is a battle ground. Jesus welcomed the children into his arms while he was here on earth and I know that this is still his heart. Please pray for us as we plan these programs, the translater, the children and their families, and the salvation of the witch doctors.

I have been learning so much and I am so thankful to be here. I am so grateful that the God of the universe chooses to call me his. I am honored for the opprotunity to fight for the heart of my king.

There is no spell check on this computer and my time is about to run out so I have to go. I hope it’s readable. I love you all and think about you daily.

10 responses to “Back in South Africa”

  1. Don’t worry about the spell check. Just keep giving us reports when you can. My prayers go up to you daily and to those you are serving with. If there is something other than prayers we at Concord can do for you just let us know. May the Lord bless you and keep you for His service. bb

  2. It has been so good to hear what God is doing in South Africa! I am praying for you. I praise our Almighty God for his mighty works and endless blessings through Christ. Love you and miss you.

  3. My precious daughter #3,
    Our hearts, prayers, and love are with you lil bit!! We pray for you daily and have your prayer requests written on a dry erase board in the kitchen to remind all who enter to be praying for you too. T-man, Kayla-Kay and Connor-bean send their love too!! I leave you in His hands,

  4. My heart breaks for those precious little girls and am so thankful you were there to show Gods glory to one of them. We will be praying for them as we continue to pray for you.

    We love you,
    The Chicago Goette’s

  5. Michelle:
    I am Carrie Ingram’s mother. I am so blessed when I read blogs from her team! You are an amazing group of young adults. Your work is so important in our world to show God’s love. Know that even people you have not met are praying for you. You all take care of each other, too!
    Kathleen Ingram

  6. Michelle,
    It has been so great to see you mature into a Gody woman through this experience and already in the short time you have been there. It has been a blessing to me and so many at our church to hear of your work and how God is using you to share his love. I think it is humbling and even embarrasing that we don’t search for opportunities to share our faith. We are so comfortable and callus to the need of others for the gospel not only in our communities but even more so in other areas of the world. We are praying for your ministry and safety as you go in the name of Jesus. We are also praying for your mom and dad that I know miss you greatly, but are so proud of you for your commitment an willingness to unselfishly serve in this way. May God give you strength, courage and boldness.

  7. Hey girlie! I’m so thankful that you have been obedient to God’s call for your life. One of your biggest spiritual gifts is encouragement. I thank God for that quality in you and pray that you would continue to encourage the people around you.. even if they don’t understand (its kinda like speaking in tongues right? haha)
    By the way, I’m really missing my French teacher! I love you! akas

  8. I love ya little sister! It was so good to talk to you last week and I hope I get to hear from you again sometime. I am praying for you and the people you are ministering to. I love you so much and I hope you have a good week! -your Willie

  9. Hey girl!! Ahhh I’m so excited for you…I’m glad that you’re having an amazing time! I miss you a lot…can you believe that a month ago we were at training camp? (Actually…I think we LEFT training camp a month ago today lol!) Time is flying by. Are you going home for Christmas? If you are we should catch up over the phone…I miss my first friend from training camp!! I love you girl!!

  10. howdy from texas!

    last sunday we had a missionary from tanzania in our men’s class speaking about the mighty work god is doing in africa, and my thoughts and prayers were immediately about you!

    you are blessing and sharing christ with the multitudes in africa. know too that your witness and testimony blesses, inspires and challenges us here as well. the light of christ is shining across oceans thru your service.

    what a journey; earthly and eternally all at the same time! it is amazing how god can take our meager fishes and loaves and feed a multitude!