
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello! So much has happened in the past week. Our group is in Swaziland, a small country to the east of South Africa. It is absolutely beautiful with many rolling mountains and the people are stealing my heart.

A typical day starts at 7:30 for prayer. Next is breakfast and morning sessions start at 9. Morning sessions include worship and teaching. This week the focus has been our identity in Christ. A different member of the staff has taught each day and we typically debrief with small groups about what we are learning. Then we quickly grab lunch (PB and J sandwiches everyday) and break up into four groups to go to a location for ministry. From 5-7 we have free time where we can do chores, sleep, shower (if your lucky), read, or just hang out. Then there’s super and we end the day with a worship service. This week we have had a special speaker, Gary Black, who is a missionary in Swaziland along with his wife and six boys.

My first day I went to a care point which is a station in the rural areas for kids to come to eat, play, and stay safe. Some are orphans and some just don’t have enough to eat at home. The language barrier has been difficult but the kids don’t care at all. They just want to be held. I played tag, danced, smiled, and just tried to be Jesus with my actions the best I could. A discipleship team of Swazi youth has risen up to teach the children about God. The travel around to the 9 care points making sure to come once a week. Please pray for provision for food, gas for the stove and more women who can help at the care points.

The next day we went to a squatter camp to help a pastor who planted a church there. Many kids gather at the church as a safe place during the day so we started playing there before going around to the different houses. A translator came with us and helped us talk and pray for the people in th community.

After that, I went to the Manzini Hospital for the next two days. I walked around talking the encouraging the people there. The first day I held a day old baby for a while while chatting to his mother. She didn’t know much English but she didn’t have any other family so I just tried to stay by her side. Before I left I prayed for her and her baby. The second day I walked into the women’s ward and found a woman there who I thought was sleeping. I was going to just keep walking when someone explained to me she had been taken off life support the day before and was dying. She wasn’t responsive at all but I just didn’t feel right about leaving her to die alone. My friend Kristen and I stayed by her side reading the Bible to her, praying for her, and singing praises to God over her. She saw still alive when we left but I pray that she will soon be able to leave behind the pain of this world and dance with the angels before our Lord.

There is so much more to say and I will have to post about the big feeding we had at the church last night were we slaughtered a cow for the community and had a big party. But for now my time is running out at this internet cafe and so I’ll have to wrap things up.

Thank you for everyone who is lifting me up in their prayers. I have been healthy and happy. I have been learning so much and have really been seeing God’s heart for Swaziland.
Please continue to pray for:
    safety as we are traveling back to South Africa on Monday
    Martha, a girl on my team, has been sick for the past few days
    the Blacks as the are starting a school and community center for orphans. The ground breaking is on Monday.
    the people of Swaziland to see the true God that is truly the King of Kings

6 responses to “Sa Bona from Swaziland”

  1. its so encouraging to hear about whats going on and that you’re finally there! im so happy to hear about you serving the people and God!

  2. Michelle,

    Your dad is so sweet. I know he misses you so much, but is so excited you are there:) He read us your entry during SS intro this morning. It was like having you back with us. He passed out your blog address to everyone who didn’t have it. You parents are doing well, trusting the Lord with you and joyful that you are where God wants you:)

    Thanks for sharing the news about Swaziland. I definitely want to hear about the cow feast:) Love to you and all who are there:)


  3. little sister. i’m glad you’re doing great. i was home this weekend and you’re dad gave me your blog info. i tried my best to fill in for you and emily with a hug when i saw your parents (i’m a good psuedodaughter). learn cool words to teach me, okay?

  4. Michelle, I am so encouraged to read about what you are doing and I wish I could be there too. I know God is doing amazing things through you (not many people would want to sit with a dying woman) and I will continue to pray that He keeps you safe and grows you through this. Love you!

  5. Michelle,
    It is such a blessing to read about all that is going on in your adventure. Sure sounds like God is blessing you and using you to bless other. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe and healthy.
    Mrs. Patti Traffanstedt

  6. Michelle Bethany, Maddie and I think and pray for you often, we are so encouraged to hear of your servant spirit and heart for the nations. Know that you have a church family who loves you! We cant wait to hear how God is going to continue to use you!

    In Christ Drew, Bethany and Maddie