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During training camp, almost every morning I would wake up, look over the edge of my bunk, and think, “What have I gotten myself into?” I would start to realize that this entire adventure was much bigger than I was, and all I could do was hold on and pray that I would make it. Well, I am half way through and as I look back I realize that this adventure has been a blessing in the hands of God. I look back and know that this is definitely where I am supposed to be. God is so good to me.

My break has been good but fast. I can’t believe that I am already heading back this Monday. I have loved seeing my family, getting to go to my church, and gather resources before heading back. I have gone to see my grandparents in Florida, visited my sister in Birmingham, and went to see East Tennessee State University where I will be going next year. I have had been given the opportunity to speak several times at my old school, Chattanooga Christian School. I have enjoyed the chance to spread awareness and hopefully encourage the students there. They have all been so welcoming of me.

I am excited to return to Africa. I have found that I left part of my heart there. I believe so much more strongly in God’s heart for the nations and for this broken land. It is a place of beauty and tradition but so much has come against it. Swaziland has been ravaged by HIV/AIDS and has been hurt by a greedy king. Lack of resources make it difficult for the Swazi Christians who long to follow God in ministering to the widow and orphans. Several woman in South Africa prayed with my team for Africa and taught us a song that they sang from their hearts. They sang, “If you believe and I believe, and together we both pray, The Holy Spirit and will come down, and Africa will be saved.” That is the desire of my heart. That the Holy Spirit will come down and Africa will be saved.

Please continue to pray from in the coming months. Whereas last semester consisted of a lot of training and traveling, this coming semester will be more concentrated ministry. I will be in Swaziland the entire time working at the squatter camp with some of the best kids on the planet. My friend, Kristin, and I will be organizing classes for kids that cannot go to school and therefore roam the streets all day. I’m still waiting on the Lord to see what that will look like exactly so please join my in my prayers for guidance. Please continue to pray for my health as well. I thank God that I was extremely healthy last semester and hope that he blesses me in this way once again. Please pray for Treasure, Pastor Sambo, and other Swazis that are working so hard to bring God’s kingdom to Swaziland. I also ask for prayer that the last part of my support my come in. I have raised money to cover the first semester plain ticket and the coast of my trip but I am still short $700 for the remain part of my plain ticket second semester. If you would be willing to contribute to my trip, please either click on the “support me” link to the left or talk to my father, Bill Goette. Thank you so much.

4 responses to “My Break”

  1. Michelle, I sing that song all the time. It was amazing how much harmony and how much of a beautiful noise those womens’ voices made singing only with the music in their hearts. I love that GOD used so many of them to channel peace to the land. I am here praying for you. Who knows what the future holds…??? God. How reassuring =) (Blessed assurance)… Love you~joie

  2. Precious Lil Bit,
    As you are en route I am praying and will continue to pray!! Go as Jesus’ arms, legs, and heart to Swaziland and know that our hearts and prayers and LOVE are with you. Just know in your heart that we are with you in spirit and Jesus is with you in every way!!
    My prayer today is that you continue to have peace and rest in His care, He is with you and will lead you and guide you… in His hands I leave you, Love, Jeanne

  3. Michelle, I think my calling might be missions work especially after you spoke at the CCS middle school.

    Thank U, Charles Duble 7th grade CCS

  4. Hey, Michelle.
    I was going to write one thing, until I saw Charlie’s email. Wow! Praise God! Even if he doesn’t end up on the missions field, here’s one more heart that is opened a little bit wider to what God is doing in the world.
    Today in class we looked up what Operation World says about Swaziland and we prayed for you.
    Reading your blogs and seeing your pictures certainly brings back a lot of memories for me. You mentioned the song, “Africa will be saved”. It must be the cry of every African believer’s heart. We sang the same song in French in the Central African Republic 20 years ago. May it be so.
    You are on my daily prayer list. May God bless, keep and encourage you. Thanks for sharing with us at CCS.
    Herb Lea